Time to practice some grammar activities with these worksheets:
miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2022
Weekly Planning: 28th September 2022
Time to practice some grammar activities with these worksheets:
viernes, 23 de septiembre de 2022
Weekly Planning: 26th September 2022
Weekly Planning: 26th September 2022
For starters, let play this game about school vocabulary:
miércoles, 21 de septiembre de 2022
Song Lyrics
But you can also use your smartphone to practice this way with the following app:
martes, 20 de septiembre de 2022
Entry Test
lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2022
New Course 2022 / 2023
New Course 2022 / 2023
Welcome back to our new course of English A2+ !!!
This year we are going to have two classes per week:
Mondays from 18:15 to 19:45
Wednesdays from 18:15 to 19:45
We will continue with the book that we were using last year:
To start with, here you have a worksheet to introduce yourself to the class:

And why don't we set a starting point with these questions:
1. When was the last time you studied English?
2. What are your weak points?
3. What are your strong points?
4. What areas would you like to focus on?
5. Would you like me to include something in the course?
And to conclude, a fun video "Mr. Bean, back to school":
Weekly Planning: 14th June 2023
Weekly Planning: 14th June 2023 Let's start with a game to review some holiday vocabulary : After that, we will correct our homework . L...

Weekly Planning: 7th & 9th November Let's start reviewing some vocabulary about daily routines with this game : And now some vocab...
Weekly Planning: 9th & 11th January 2023 There is nothing more traditional at this time of the year than the New Year's Resolutions ...
Weekly Planning:08th & 10th May 2023 To start with our lesson, a game about health vocabulary: Feeling under the weather Then, we will s...